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Quarantine in 2022

As mentioned in the last column, we trialled Genevieve and Penelope off their antibiotics over summer. It only lasted a couple of months. Then childcare closed due to Covid and Penelope got sick followed by Genevieve a couple of days later (they tested Covid negative). The hospital advised us to start their antibiotics again to help prevent chest infections.

The poor little things had fevers and chesty coughs, but we were managing to treat them at home. We had a lot of support from our CF nurse Amy, our GP and local pharmacy. The teams assisted us during this stressful time while we were isolating the girls and quarantining ourselves.

I’m a sucker for punishment so I took this quarantine time to toilet train our toddler. So, I spent January ‘22 trying to organise a 1st birthday party around Covid restrictions, running a fundraiser for CFSA, working and household illnesses. It was quite an eventful and stressful start to the year but at least the girls were well enough for their 1st birthday party. We ended up having a small outside gathering with a few close friends and family.

Not long after this, Penny ended up in hospital, luckily just for a day, due to yet another virus but his time with an uncontrolled fever. She had lots of testing, including chest x-rays to check her lungs but the source of this was never found. This was the longest time the twins have spent apart.

The beginning of this year also saw us honouring ‘Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month’. Unfortunately, this does not involve social gatherings. It was discovered roughly 20 years ago that people with Cystic Fibrosis are at risk of transferring dangerous microbes between each other. Since then patients have been practising social distancing. Obviously, we cannot social distance our girls so they are an exception to the rules.

In 2019 there was a movie released called ‘5 Feet Apart’, which is a story for two teenagers with Cystic Fibrosis. The movie shares what life can be like for someone with CF. The hospitalisation, the isolation and the need to stay ‘5 feet apart’ from a fellow CFer.

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